Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Dante’s Inferno: Contrapasso Essay

Contrapasso means suffer the opposite. It refers to the punishment of souls in Dante’s Inferno by a process either resembling or contrasting with the sin itself. There are many examples of contrapasso in Dante’s Inferno, as he travels ever deeper into the depths of hell. In the Inferno, we are given a tour through Hell by Dante, who is a middle-aged man. The Inferno is a story of a journey given by two different Dantes: Dante the pilgrim and Dante the author. He has a natural emotion of pity, which he is often reprimanded for. At the beginning of his journey, he is confronted by three animals. These animals represent the three rings of Hell. The first one is the she-wolf, representing incontinence, the second is the lion, representing violence, and the third is the leopard, representing fraud and deception. According to Dante, fraud and deception are the worst sins, followed by violence, then incontinence. Virgil is Dante’s guide throughout this treacherous journey. Dante uses the concept of contrapasso to express his own views on ethics of various sins, reflecting on the cultural and political state of Italy at the time. Before Dante and Virgil enter Hell proper, they find the opportunists in the vestibule. They are running around wildly chasing a banner, while nude being stung by hornets and wasps. When the split came between Satan and God, they tried to stay neutral, and now they must suffer their punishment. Here, the banner symbolizes a leader, serving as a direct punishment for their indecisive nature. They come across limbo next, where the virtuous pagans are. These are the souls of good non-Christians, who are stuck in limbo because they were never baptized and never went to church to study Jesus. This is where Virgil and the poets reside. Limbo is not a bad place to be, and their only punishment is that they will never get to see the face of God. This is a fitting punishment because while alive they never knew of God, and now they are forbidden from him. They encounter the least offensive sinners in the first ring of Hell, represented by the she-wolf. Once inside the gates of Hell, Dante encounters the Carnal (or lustful). The souls who are in this first section of Hell are so because they let their lusts control them in life. The punishment of the Carnal is that they are trapped in a whirlwind, blizzard storm. They see the object of their lust, but they cannot have sex in Hell. They are doomed to chase their love around in the whirlwind, and they cannot satisfy their needs in any way. Contrapasso is appropriate here because while living they could not control their urges and always satisfied their needs, but now in Hell they are not allowed to. In circle three of Hell, we find the gluttons. Ciacco is a representative of the gluttons whom Dante knows personally. Ciacco means hog in Italian. Because gluttony is a sin of incontinence, their punishment is wallowing around in a slushy mound of garbage. The gluttons are in a storm of putrefaction. Gluttony was considered a major sin back in Dante’s day. Also in this circle are the hoarders and wasters. They contribute to each other’s punishment as they are in a constant rock war. Hoarders and wasters are two extremes. This is contrapasso because the hoarders are constantly trying to take the rock, while the wasters are trying to get rid of it. Next, they come across the wrathful and sullen. They are stuck in the Marsh of Styx. The sullen were drawn within themselves and tried not to associate with others in life, they took a sour disposition towards life. Their punishment is appropriate because they are stuck at the bottom of the marsh, beneath the slimy surface. Moving along through Hell, Dante and Virgil come across the heretics. This is a sort of a transitional stage between the sins of incontinence and violence. A heretic is anyone who doesn’t adhere to strict Catholic doctrine. Heretics committed some of the worst crimes, according to Dante. Their punishment was to spend eternity in a grave on fire. Contrapasso is in effect here because heretics thought that the soul dies with the body, and since they believe their souls died, they are entombed. Some of them even have to share tombs with people they hated. The second category of sinners is the violent. There are three types of violence: violence against neighbors, violence against self, and violence against God. The violent against neighbors are stuck in the river Phlegethon. This is a river of boiling blood, and if the sinners try to escape, centaurs shoot them with arrows. This is contrapasso because these violent souls left their victims in a pool of blood when they murdered them, and now they are stuck in a pool of blood. Violence against self is the next form of violent sin. Those who committed suicide became trees. Since they rejected God’s gift of body, they are forced to stand still and see the human life they rejected. This is their contrapasso, also whenever a limb from the tree falls off, they feel it. The final form of violence is that against God. These blasphemers, who curse God, are punished in circle seven, round 3. They are forced to lie in a field of burning sand and a fire rain constantly falls down on them. This is ironic because it is the first time while Dante is in Hell that we actually see fire. Circle eight of Hell begins the worst sins, those of fraud and treachery. These sins are the worst because it breaks the trust of the individual. The usurers are loan sharks. They do not further mankind, they just want money. According to The Holy Bible, it is unnatural to charge usury. Their punishment is to carry a pouch with lead weights around their necks. They constantly have to fight off fire and chains from lashing devils with their hands. This is their contrapasso because they used to use their greedy hands to abuse people by taking their money. The panderers and seducers are punished by having to constantly run from one side to another, and demons are there whipping them. The second section contains the flatterers. Because they lied and figuratively slung excrement from their mouths, they are punished by wallowing in excrement, which they flatter. This is a perfect example of contrapasso. The fortune tellers and diviners presumed to have the power to see God’s future, but most of them are just tricksters. Their contrapasso is that their heads are twisted completely around, and they can no longer see what’s ahead of them. Dante sees weeping shades slowly marching in single file, each one covered from head to foot with a golden cloak lined with lead. It is appropriate because on the outside the cloaks look beautiful, but on the inside they are horrible, like the hypocrites, and they are weighed down by their guilt. Contrapasso for thieves is depicted as serpents chasing nude sinners, and when the snake bites them, they burst into blames and disintegrate. Sometimes they become the serpent, and the serpent becomes them. This sets out to show that thieves can’t even claim their own bodies. Also, the snakes represent trickery, and the serpents steal the thieves’ bodies, just as they stole. Bertrand de Born was guilty of separating father and son (King Henry II and son), which caused war. His contrapasso is walking around with his head separated from his body, carrying it like a lantern. It is also symbolic of the father being the head of the family, and his body is separated from it because he separated them. In the ninth circle of Hell, Cocytus, Dante encounters the absolute worst sinners, including Satan. These sinners are frozen with the memory of their sins, and they cannot move. These evilest of sinners are in a sea of ice. Sins of betrayal are in the ninth circle. They were cold hearted and fake in life with no warmth of heart. A unique encounter Dante has is with Count Ugolino and Archbishop Ruggiere. In life, they made a deal, but it went awry. Now, the count feeds on the head of the archbishop. Since the archbishop imprisoned him and sons, they starved to death, thus his contrapasso is that Ruggiere is Ugolino’s last meal for all of eternity. At the end of the journey, Dante encounters Satan. He is bigger than the giants with three heads. Each head is chewing on the worst sinners in history up to that point: Judas, Brutus, and Cassius. They represent hate, impotence, and ignorance to contrast the three highest virtues of Heaven. Satan is at the center of the universe. His main punishment is that he is frozen and can’t do anything. This is the ultimate contrapasso. Dante highlights that Satan himself is an example of contrapasso as Satan’s sin of seeking God’s place as ruler of Heaven resulting in him forever ruling over the damned. Here, the sin reflects the punishment as Satan aims to raise himself higher and as a result is cast down into the depths of the Inferno. Dante takes us on an intriguing and eye-opening journey throughout his Hell. He uses contrapasso as a way to show the many different sins and how he thinks they should be punished. Dante also places real people in his Inferno to point out the cultural and political state of Italy at that time. While he does this, he is pretty fair and impartial about who belongs in which area of Hell. Near the end of his journey, Dante finally realizes that the sinners got what they deserved, and he no longer pities them. By having Satan frozen in ice, Dante is portraying the message Satan cannot do anything, unless you let him because he is not that powerful.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Do Nursing Interventions Have an Impact on Cancer Patients? Essay

Critical Appraisal is a means of which research data is evaluated and examined for the validity and quality of individual studies after the elimination of studies that do not contribute to determining current best evidence (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, & O’Grady, 2014). This evaluation can be used to eliminate studies that do not meet criteria for meta-analysis. Critical Appraisal is used to help people develop certain skills to make sense of available scientific research evidence based on the validity, results, and relevance. It consist of a systematic process through which the strengths and weaknesses of a research study can be identified (Young ; Solomon, 2009). The basis for my beginning research has been focused around home care patients and since I have a background of working on an oncology floor I have decided to further explore cancer research for homecare patients. This paper is a review of both quantitative and qualitative research completed in the efficacy of treating cancer patients in the home setting. The burning question is â€Å"Do nursing interventions implemented in the home setting improve the quality of life for cancer patients†? Upon completion of this assignment I hope to gain a general understanding of what a critical appraisal is. In addition, a basic knowledge of the difference between a qualitative and a quantitative review will be established. Cancer is a disease caused by the uncontrolled division and growth of abnormal cells in the body. If a cell is cancerous it is referred to as a malignant cell. According to World Health Organization (WHO) Cancer represents 30% of the burden posed by non-communicable diseases in the Region of the Americas (Luciana, Cabanes, Prieto-Lara, ; Gawryszewski, 2013). Research articles presented in the paper assess whether or not interventions implemented within the home or outpatient setting have a positive or negative impact on physical endurance and the quality of life of a cancer patient. Loss of physical function is one of the most distressing symptoms of cancer patients’ leading to additional emotional and psychological breakdown (Lowe, Watanabe, Baracos, ; Courneya, 2013). Purpose The purpose of this paper is to take levels of evidence in a meta-synthesis (qualitative) review as well as a meta-analysis (quantitative) review and critically evaluate the information. The findings for these methods are taken from multiple studies, combined, and analyzed statistically. A meta-synthesis involves integrating qualitative research findings on a specific topic that are themselves interpretive syntheses of narrative information (Polit ; Beck, 2012). Qualitative designs are used best to understand patients’ experiences, attitudes, and beliefs (DiCenso, Guyatt, ; Ciliska, 2005). Meta-analysis is a method of integrating quantitative findings statistically (Polit ; Beck, 2012). Three questions in particular are asked when a quantitative or qualitative study is appraised, they generally are: What are the results? Are the results of the study valid? How can the results be applied in the identified case? Critical Appraisal: Quantitative Study Quantitative studies are used for evaluating the effectiveness and safety of nursing interventions, the accuracy and precision of nursing assessment measures or diagnostic tests, the strength of causal relationships, and the cost-effectiveness of nursing interventions (DiCenso, Guyatt, ; Ciliska, 2005). The selected quantitative article for critical appraisal is titled â€Å"Home-based functional walking program for advanced cancer patients receiving palliative care: a case series†. This article presented a clearly focused research question related to evaluating how physical activity interventions implemented in the home or outpatient setting impact a cancer patients’ quality of life. The purpose of this study was to examine the initial development and pilot testing of a physical activity intervention in patients with advanced stage cancer receiving palliative care (Lowe, Watanabe, Baracos, ; Courneya, 2013). Researchers wanted to see if a home based walking program would help to decrease the rates of declining physical function in advanced stage cancer patients or add to the quality of life for these patients. Methods and Results This research study was conducted using qualifying participants in an outpatient or homecare setting receiving palliative care. This was a trial study in which participants were not randomized. Participants meeting study criteria were identified by researchers and consent to participate in the study was obtained by all participants before trial monitoring began. Inclusion criteria required subjects to be age 18 years or older, english speaking, have the cognitive ability to participate, and to have a diagnosis of progressive, incurable and locally recurrent or metastatic cancer and receiving palliative care. Nine adult cancer patients were chosen for this study all residing either in a palliative home care environment. By the time baseline information was taken three participants dropped out of the program due to hospitalization or feeling overwhelmed, another three left the study due to severe symptoms leaving three remaining participants to complete the program. The sample consisted of two men and one woman with the median age of 55. This physical activity program was monitored over the course of six weeks. A quasi-experimental pilot study design was used to provide preliminary data of the six week physical activity program among advanced stage cancer patients. The quasi-experimental design can be descriptive or correlational and takes place when the researcher actively manipulates the independent variable to see the effect on the dependent variable (Zaccagnini ; White, 2011). The interventions used was a modified home based functional walking program combined with muscle strengthening excercises. Duration and intensity was individually set for each participant based on baseline results of a physical function test. Previous surveys of patients with advanced stage cancer presented findings with a median survival of 104 days. Findings of this quantitative study revealed that post intervention scores showed that all three participants showed worsening symptoms and fatigue scores by the end of the six week home-based walking program. Two of the three participants passed away within 90 days of completing the program. Although study results demonstrated challenges associated with physical activity interventions in advanced stage cancer patients, no definitive proof was uncovered showing improvement in the quality of life for advanced stage cancer patients. Critical Appraisal: Qualitative Study Quanlitative study designs are well-suited for helping to understand the illness experience (DiCenso, Guyatt, ; Ciliska, 2005). The selected qualitative study article for critical appraisal was titled â€Å"Early support visits by district nurses to cancer patients at home: A multi-perspective qualitative study†, posed a clearly focused research question. Multi-perspective study can be defined as combining multiple viewpoints, representations and roles. Many palliative care patients spend most of their final days at home with caregivers and some support healthcare staff. It is said that nurses make frequent support visits to patients, yet there is still very little known about what is actually provided by visiting nurses to homecare palliative patients and their caregivers. The purpose of this qualitative study was to address limitations of previous studies of reported practice by taking a multi-perspective approach, along with views of nurses, patients, and caregivers and directly observing and reporting findings (Griffiths, Ewing, ; Rogers, 2012). Participants were studied in focus groups. This study was developed to help present findings that explored how district nurses early support visits to advanced stage cancer patients is both described and carried out. Previous studies identified have been limited to the reports of practice by nurses. With this study researchers were able to observe interactions between nurse, patient, and caregivers during home visits in order to record findings. This observation by researchers was then used to identify how home visits were conducted and what they entailed. Methods and Results This research study was completed using a focus group design method. The study sample included a total of 77 participants, 10 palliative care patients (seven women, three men), nine caregivers (five spouses, four daughters), and 58 nurses. Of these 58 nurses 28 were leaders and 30 were staff nurses. The age range of the 10 patients was 53-85 with a median age of 72. All of the patients had a diagnosis of various advanced staged cancer. Data was collected by experienced qualitative researchers that worked as community nurses. The setting for this study took place in the North West (urban), and South East (rural) regions of England. Prior to data collection ethical approval was granted and participants provided written consent. Each focus group session lasted from 60-90 minutes. Researchers began recruitment by making observations of visits, with each patient receiving two observation visits. Patients and caregivers were interviewed both before and after observations in order to retrieve needed background information for research. Upon collection and analysis of data audio recordings were used during home visits. Findings revealed that the nurses that participated in this study showed great value for palliative care. There were four types of visits described: assessment of physical care needs, assessment and delivery of practical help, and two cross cuttig themes of information giving and enabling talk. Detailed observations of these visits with interviews were presented from the nurses in the assessment of physical care needs and while nurses reported carrying out early support visits there was difficulty in articulating the content covered in these visist. In the assessment and delivery of practical help it was noted by nurses that physical needs dominated visits but this was mostly a review of what patients needed as far as equipment, etc. Research findings show that this particular study can be applied to patient care by educating support staff that early support visits could potentially play a part in reducing costly hospital admissions. Patients also reported a decrease in stress levels with support from visiting nurses. Overall this multi-perspective approach provided new insights about support visits by district nurses. Conclusion Qualitative and quantitative research methods make different contributions to knowledge (DiCenso, Guyatt, ; Ciliska, 2005). Critical appraisal is an essential part of evidenced-based research and its methods help to form a portion of the systematic review process. It is the analysis of findings that allows the reader to form an opinion about the validity and reliability that such research can be used in patient practice. This process enables the reader to assess the study’s usefulness and whether or not the findings are trustworthy (Young ; Solomon, 2009). Teamwork is an essential part to providing palliative home care and nurse play a vital role (Griffiths, Ewing, ; Rogers, 2012). Although earlier studies have found that physical activity interventions in early stage cancer patients present positive results, that has not been confirmed in patients with advanced stage cancer and further research will be required. Overall I found that the results presented in the quantitative study were not valid due to lack of identifiable evidence shown. While reviewing the qualitative study I found  that the sample size was not large enough to provide a definitive answer as to whether this study provided valid results. When referring to the burning question I think that it has been shown that to a certain point nursing interventions implemented in the home such as adding physical activity and nursing support visits to cancer patients’ agenda can positively affect the patient’s quality of life. When searching for effective interventions researchers must always remember to incorporate patient preferences in their studies because this will help to enhance both recruitment and adherence.

Jane Eyre Marriage Quotes Essay

â€Å"He is not to them what he is to me,† I thought: â€Å"he is not of their kind. I believe he is of mine; – I am sure he is, – I feel akin to him, – I understand the language of his countenance and movements: though rank and wealth sever us widely, I have something in my brain and heart, in my blood and nerves, that assimilates me mentally to him. [†¦] I must, then, repeat continually that we are for ever sundered: – and yet, while I breathe and think I must love him.† (2.2.85) Seeing Rochester among his high-class houseguests, Jane realizes that he has more in common with her than he does with them. Despite Jane’s and Rochester’s different class backgrounds, their master-servant relationship, and the strict gender roles of Victorian society, Jane can tell that they share something intangible – but she doubts that they can overcome all the social obstacles keeping them apart. This isn’t the first time Jane has felt affection for someone – but it may be the first time she’s felt like somebody else. â€Å"Whenever I marry,† she continued, after a pause which none interrupted, â€Å"I am resolved my husband shall not be a rival, but a foil to me. I will suffer no competitor near the throne; I shall exact an undivided homage: his devotions shall not be shared between me and the shape he sees in his mirror.† (2.2.128) Blanche Ingram’s idea of a good marriage is one in which the partners are distinctly different and one partner is far superior to the other. As a stunning beauty, she doesn’t want a handsome husband, but a hideous one – that way she’ll always get all the attention. Notice how different this is from Jane’s (and Rochester’s) ideas about love and marriage–they’re drawn together because they are alike. Blanche thinks that opposites attract, but Jane knows that kindred spirits attract more strongly. Ere long, a bell tinkled, and the curtain drew up. Within the arch, the bulky figure of Sir George Lynn, whom Mr. Rochester had likewise chosen, was seen enveloped in a white sheet: before him, on a table, lay open a large book; and at his side stood Amy Eshton, draped in Mr. Rochester’s cloak, and holding a book in her hand. Somebody, unseen, rang the bell merrily; then Adà ¨le (who had insisted on being one of her guardian’s party) bounded forward, scattering round her the contents of a basket of flowers she carried on her arm. Then appeared the magnificent figure of Miss Ingram, clad in white, a long veil on her head, and a wreath of roses round her brow: by her side walked Mr. Rochester, and together they drew near the table. They knelt; while Mrs. Dent and Louisa Eshton, dressed also in white, took up their stations behind them. A ceremony followed, in dumb show, in which it was easy to recognize the pantomime of a marriage. (2.3.8) Blanche Ingram and Mr. Rochester pair up for an elaborate game of charades, and the first thing they do is play-act their own wedding, silently, in front of the other houseguests and Jane. This is the first of several not-quite-real weddings we’ll see in Jane Eyre, each of which suggests something about the actual marriages and pairings in the novel. In this particular case, the pretend wedding is meant to be a charade for the word â€Å"bride† – but that’s only the first half of the word being acted out in the game, which is â€Å"Bridewell,† a famous prison. Hmm, something that begins with a marriage ends with being in prison. Do you think that’s supposed to be some kind of OMEN or something? I saw he was going to marry her, for family, perhaps political reasons; because her rank and connexions suited him; I felt he had not given her his love, and that her qualifications were ill adapted to win from him that treasure. This was the point – this was where the nerve was touched and teazed – this was where the fever was sustained and fed: she could not charm him. (2.3.27, italics original) Jane is really hot and bothered by the idea that Rochester is going to marry Blanche, not just because she’s jealous, but also because she can tell that they are so unsuited and that Rochester himself knows exactly how flawed and unpleasant Blanche is. Jane herself knows exactly how to â€Å"charm† Rochester, how to argue with him and keep him amused and even how make him love her. Basically, the way Jane feels here is the way we feel when we see someone doing something badly that we know how to do well. She wants to take Rochester away and show Blanche how this relationship should be done – but she can’t. She has to watch and suffer in silence, as usual. I have not yet said anything condemnatory of Mr. Rochester’s project of marrying for interest and connexions. [†¦] All their class held these principles: I supposed, then, they had reasons for holding them such as I could not fathom. It seemed to me that, were I a gentleman like him, I would take to my bosom only such a wife as I could love; but the very obviousness of the advantages to the husband’s own happiness, offered by this plan, convinced me that there must be arguments against its general adoption of which I was quite ignorant: otherwise I felt sure all the world would act as I wished to act. (2.3.31) Jane doesn’t get why anyone would not marry for love, especially if they’re rich enough to do pretty much whatever they want, but she figures there must be some reason that so many people who are already wealthy and important insist on marrying to get more money and status instead of to make themselves happy. Notice that Jane doesn’t talk about her own ideas about marriage – only the ideas that she would have if she were in Rochester’s place. Somehow Jane can’t conceive of herself needing to make a choice about marrying for love or status – only of a man like Rochester doing so.

Monday, July 29, 2019

News Corporation Strategic Management Case Study

News Corporation Strategic Management - Case Study Example In the 1920s, News Corporation started out as an Australia-based chain of newspapers. Its growth has been driven mainly by an aggressive acquisition strategy, with large stakes in the film, television, publishing, and several other industries. Today, the company operates and owns, among others, Twentieth Century Fox, Star TV, British Sky Broadcasting, DirecTV, and several joint ventures worldwide. In 2004, it reincorporated in the US. Corporate strategy is used to set "the purpose of the organisation and the plans and actions to achieve that purpose" (qtd. in Lynch, 2006). It pertains to scope, which is always depicted along three dimensions: geography, product market, and value chain or vertical integration (Figure 1). For instance, which industries and markets are most suitable for the company Or, considering the various competing forces surrounding the firm, which direction would deliver the most value: diversification, vertical integration, mergers, or acquisitions Perhaps, it could be a combination of these approaches or a new business venture altogether. In the last century, industry has become increasingly internationalised, due to three main drivers of change: economic growth, fewer barriers to multinational expansion, and technological developments (Leontiades, 1987, 5). Once a company takes its operations beyond national borders, it grows not only in size but impact, making strategic decisions even more critical. Moreover, the meaning of strategy shifts as the corporate purpose is localised and translated at the business level. As the company operationalises its blueprint, it is faced with competitive pressures and so, to succeed, it must be able to match its strengths with the various opportunities available in the environment. At the same time, it must stay flexible and dynamic, since the market landscape is never static. In other words, business strategy deals with continuously building comparative advantage over its rivals (Grant, 2002, 23). The Rise of the Transnational Media Corporation Perhaps more than any other type of organisation, mass media companies have established worldwide operations of the widest scale, thus, giving rise to the "transnational media corporation" (TNMC). But as internationalisation spread, trends of privatisation and consolidation also arose - especially after the 1980s, when mergers, acquisitions, and strategic alliances were negotiated worldwide at an unprecedented pace - not just in mass media but also in finance, aviation, and other fronts. The massive realignment of industries intensified further when information and communication technologies (ICTs) were widely adopted by businesses and, later, entered the consumer mainstream. Besides News Corporation - one of the more iconic examples in the industry of an internationalised company - these TNMCs also include Time Warner, Walt Disney, Sony Inc., and Bertelsmann A.G. According to Gershon (1996, 6), these entities have engaged in the TNMC strategy for at least one of five reasons: proprietary assets and natural resources, foreign market penetration, production and distribution efficiencies, overcoming regulatory barriers to entry, and empire building. The Role of Leadership While Murdoch may have been motivated by a

Sunday, July 28, 2019


MENTOR PROTEGE PROGRAM - CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT - Essay Example The Department of Defense Mentor-Protà ©gà © Program is useful for a small-business owner contracting with the federal government for the first time in several ways. This is an excellent way to learn the ropes in dealing with the federal government (Stanberry, 2012). The Small Business will immensely benefit from this experience given that they are given the opportunity to learn and build their own resumes such that they can also develop into large corporations. When small businesses are subcontracted to prime contractors, they are in a position to learn basic management and contracting skills such that they can operate viably on their own. Essentially, subcontracting is helpful to small businesses in that efficiency is improved in the completion of the task to be carried out. This also helps small businesses to grow such that they can be in a position to bid for federal contracts on their own once they have

Saturday, July 27, 2019

International Construction Contracts BSM 135 Re-sit Diet Essay

International Construction Contracts BSM 135 Re-sit Diet - Essay Example However, prior to delving into the technicalities of the contract forms, there will be a brief discussion on the French-Sharia legal system and process. Sharia-law is based on a civil code system that was developed from the principles of the Koran and Sunnah (Islamic traditions that goes back to the days of the Prophet of Islam)1. Sharia-Law operates on the basis of the principles of good faith and it is particularly against the principles of unjust enrichment2. This implies that there is a general opportunity for an organisation like NCG to make claims within these broad principles and scopes in a court of competent judicature and on the basis of the new legal system that will be put together by the new regime. The French legal system which was adopted by most of the Middle Eastern and North African countries after independence has to do with the Napoleonic code which was a tradition that was steeped in new laws3. What the French code shares in common with the Islamic code is that they are both civil law jurisdictions and they are all made up of codified rules and regulations that are held to be absolute which is in contrast with the English legal tradition of using judicial precedence4. The benefit to NCG is that they can always make claims and go to court about a perceived injustice and raise important legal restrictions based on the facts and challenge the government on the basis of acting in bad faith. On the other hand, the Sharia-French system is one that is not steeped in precedence, so what a given generation of legal scholars and constitution makers state is the rule and this could be divergent from the reality. The preamble of the CCWCEC indicates that the contract is made between a contract is made between the contractor and the employer which happens to be the North African state in question5. NCG becomes the contractor in this case. In the normal sense, the contract is binding

Friday, July 26, 2019

Assignment Two Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Assignment Two - Essay Example The quality of the images of the DVD player is outstanding possibly because the LCD screen has very good resolution. One of the main reasons I purchased the item was because I do not own a smartphone, thus I needed a device to watch movies when I am outside my home. I was very impressed by the fact that the Coby portable DVD had a two year warranty with the manufacturer. My impression of the product after the purchase is that the Coby portable DVD player is a quality product that served my need to be able to watch movies on the road. Due to my experience with this DVD player in the future I plan on purchasing more products from the Coby brand. The company has quality products at good prices. I have been using my portable DVD player on a weekly basis. I always travel with the portable DVD player in my car. I showed the Coby portable DVD player to several of my friends and they liked it. Last month I purchased an Xbox 360 for $299.99. The video game industry generated $15.6 billion in the United States in 2010 (Plunkettresearchonline, 2011). The reason that I purchased the Xbox 360 was because I did not have a gaming console at my home. I am not a gamer, but I wanted to have a good gaming console to play with friends when they visited. I got a good deal on the Xbox 360 because it included the Kinect system which allows people to play games hand free. When I read about the Xbox Kinect I wanted it in order acquire games that allow you to perform exercises at home using the system. I am very satisfied with my purchase because the Xbox 360 has improved my entertainment options at home. When I was making the buy decision I choose the Xbox 360 over the Playstation 3 or Wii consoles because the Xbox 360 seemed to have a greater variety of games. I also noticed in my trips to gaming stores that there seemed to be more used games available for the Xbox 360 than other console s. This was very important to me because I do not plan on purchasing any new

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Difference between service base and population base Research Paper

Difference between service base and population base - Research Paper Example As net CNU is a vital thing in estimation of population counts there is much concentration in population census. It starts with a summarized census collection process description and universe population definition and summarizes with processes used for CNU (Bureau of Census, 2010) On the other hand, service base is system of information for managing service processes. The services should be for IT services, technical support and servicing. It focuses knowledge from the management service of a company into a single source, allowing it for effective usage and sharing. The service base operator application gives users and consumers with online back up with all benefits arising from management process. It is a 100% application on website that uses internet in communicating with customers. The communication provided is through secured protocols. The IT system is completely configurable from a basic solution to value that is full for problem management and incident management including services of configuration database. A successful description of solved problems is easily exported to knowledge that is separated into classes by various users’ and products access rights (Foulkes,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Innovation, Change and Motivation at Nucor Corporation Essay

Innovation, Change and Motivation at Nucor Corporation - Essay Example Apart from these cultural values, none of the company’s employees is unionized. Nucor does not approve of unions, as it believes the culture is counterproductive, especially where building of a strong workforce whose objective is to serve the steel company’s interests is concerned. Nonetheless, the employees remain committed to quality of service and lay-offs are minimal. (a) Devolved Management system Nucor is heavily devolved in its operations, a culture that enables the employees to be innovative in their work and develop a feeling that they are owner-operators. In light of this, the company encourages most of the decisions about the business operations to be made at the lower level. In addition, Nucor’s claim that only 65 employees work at the headquarters is quite telling about the company’s lean culture. (b) Performance-driven rewards Nucor has established general rules of compensation which apply to all employees. The policies provide for a uniform compensation for individual employees who meet particular incentive-specific objectives. Apart from these common bonus plans, Nucor Corporation has periodically awarded extraordinary rewards to all employees, in the financial years when the company has made the highest amounts of profits. For instance, the company’s record sales of $23.6 billion in 2008, which was up from $4.6 billion in 2000 trickled down to the employees’ pockets, with the Chief Executive earning a whopping $ 5.24 million (Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson, 2007). The uniform treatment of employees has tremendously reduced the gaps between the earnings of senior executives and lower ranking employees. (c) Egalitarian perks The company’s senior executives are not guaranteed traditional high bonuses such as company cars, executive parking slots or executive dining rooms (Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson, 2007). Additionally, the publication of all the names of the company’s employees at the back of Nucor’s annual reports is a clear indication of the company’s egalitarian culture and inclusiveness of the decision-making processes. This is also a sign that the company values all of the employees, irrespective of their position within the organization. (d) Effective customer service Although, the text rarely mentions sound customer service at Nucor, it can be inferred. Effective customer service and quality can be explained by the simplicity and courtesy, which the Chief Executive cultivates. The culture of inclusivity, teamwork and appreciation of every person’s effort is a clear indication that all the stakeholders in the company are assured of respect and recognition. (e) Technology-driven culture Nucor Corporation is undeniably banking on the technological edge in its production of steel products. The process of using electric arc furnaces to liquefy scrap metal is the first of its kind in the twenty-first century (Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Mat teson, 2007). Currently, Nucor’s association with two multinational steel companies in the running of the Crawfordsville facility, which specializes in the manufacture of sheet of steel from liquefied steel without necessarily deploying heavy, costly, and energy-inefficient rollers, is in itself a technological breakthrough that many steel companies have not yet adopted. Question # 2 Nucor has maintained the gap between executive pay and that of lower-ranking employees to the bare minimum as compared to other American companies. Since 1980s, the level of growth recorded by companies has been growing at almost the same pace as that of executive compensation (Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson, 2007). Globalization makes highly performing executives more likely to

Learning Diary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Learning Diary - Essay Example When I was growing up, one of my favourite quotes was byAlexander Graham Bell who said: â€Å" A man, as a general rule, owes a very little to what he is born with – a man is what he makes of himself†. I have made it a habit of writing down my goals and dreams and keep track of my achievements or failures in life, and hence when we were asked to keep a learning diary or log of experiences and activities undertaken during the MSc year I was even happier because this was now officially a part of my course. Body: When I look at my life right now, I am excited at what lies ahead of me. I have always been an optimist and the future seems bright and filled with possibilities. I presently work at a bank and love my job, and am well on the way to becoming a manager for the bank in the near future. Completing my Master’s degree in Business Management will add to my advantage of securing this position, which I consider to be prestigious and filled with challenges. However when I started working with the Bank, it was a whole new experience and because of the hard work and my extra effort put into my job over a period of time, I have managed to earn the respect of my colleague’s and more important get noted by the senior management and win the trust of my customers. I had put down quite a few goals which I wanted to achieve at the Bank into my Learning Diary and would review it every fortnight to personally rate my performance at work. Goals give you a sense of meaning and purpose. Goals give you a sense of direction. As you move toward your goals and you feel happier and stronger, you feel more energized and effective. You feel more competent and confident in yourself and your abilities. Every step you take toward your goals increases your belief that you can set and achieve even bigger goals in the future. My personal achievements at work can be categorised under three main headings. Respect from my Colleagues: My colleagues are the greatest in the world, simply because they appreciate and respect me so much for all the hard work that I have put in, the extra hours and the fact that I am always available to help them out when they ask, even if it means I have to stay back late. My skill and knowledge acquired in the Banking sector has increased and they often come to me for advice or a solution to a problem they are facing. Trust from my Customers: Edgar Watson Howe once said " The greatest humiliation in life is to work hard on something from which you expect great appreciation, and then fail to get it". Thank God, that doesn't apply to me. The customers more often that not pay compliments or sometimes go a step further and put in a personal word or send across an email to my Manager's and let them know I am doing a good job. Recognition from my Manager's: The good thing about the job is that there is a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Literature Review Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Literature Review - Research Paper Example This article lays emphasis on the effects of drug and substance abuse on children, and tells that children may emerge as users. In today’s society, drug use and its impacts have heightened. This norm has been experienced across variable age forms with children gaining increased participation in this exercise. There has been a call to find out the cause of the drug abuse problem among individuals with emphasis placed on the outcome of indulging in the heinous act. Barrett and Veerman stated that children have joined the number of drug users and are affected directly or sometimes may be a third party in the substance abuse act. There is the need to protect children from the substance abuse problem because they constitute the population who constitute the future society. There have been numerous investigations into the cause of mental disorders. Substance disorder has been frontal to causing these complications with a 3.8-11.3%. Via the national surveys, countries have been able to articulate the main cause of mental behaviour. Up to an average of 4 % of the users have the problem to encourage the drug dependency, living with a motive to kill the craving by practising the substance abuse. The society dictates the morals of the members and with the measures it undertakes to curb the spread of drug addiction there will be a similar realization of the impacts of the measure. The paper researches on the link between drug abuse and criminal behaviour. There are several crimes in the society that have been caused by substance abuse and an example is in prostitution. The government policy has been identified as a form of regulation for these drug related crimes. These drugs have the tendency to create a vice within an individual to involve in harmful measures that corrupt societal event. There is a direct link between crime and drugs within the society and regulations to curb drug indulgence would help protect the innocent members. Drug use is often

Monday, July 22, 2019

Tims Coffee Shoppe Essay Example for Free

Tims Coffee Shoppe Essay In this weeks assignment I will be researching coffee bean producing countries in order to find a supplier for Tims Coffee Shoppe. For this assignment I will be looking at all of the possible effects of importing beans from other countries could have in Tims bottom line for sales. I will also be researching how the different countries environmental laws either align with our country or what Tim may have to do in order to market his coffee appropriately as Tim would not want to have to keep his supplier a secret if a consumer asks where he gets his coffee from. The country I have chosen to buy coffee from would be Brazil. According to an article in Business Week, Brazil is the largest coffee producing country in the world (Businessweek. com). Brazil produces many different types of coffee beans and will potentially sell over 48. 6 million bags of coffee in the year 2013 (businessweek. com). I have chose Brazil because since 1988 they have came a long way with environmental standards and also their trade policies when it comes to exporting goods. In 2011, Brazil was the U. S. argest source of imports and has many opportunities for growth for companies that want to do business in this country (export. gov). The Strauss Company located in Brazil would be the company I would use to get my coffee imported from. In 2000, the Strauss Company acquired Cafe Tres Coracoes which is located in Brazil and in 2005 became the 2nd largest coffee company in Brazil (export. gov). This is the company I would chose do to the fact that they took a chance as wel l in the coffee market in Brazil and it paid off. This company knows what it takes to be successful and if you build a good relationship with them they could pass on tips to us for selling and promoting the coffee in the U. S. The advantages of doing business with a company in Brazil are the fact that they are open to trade and their laws align with those in the U. S. Although their law systems are complex and there will be tariffs and taxes to pay on all exports which may relate to the distribution, employee benefits and other various items may impact the costs you will incur while doing business in Brazil (export. gov). The prices of your coffee may be higher but the quality will be excellent as well. Tim will be able to make a name for himself with his new flavors and coffee products from Brazil and while making a name he will be able to gradually increase his prices for the premium coffees he is importing. I do believe there is an advantage in divulging the information of where Tim would get his coffee beans from. A lot of people look at the coffee and where it comes from, Brazil is known for a lot of its dark coffee such as the Arabic Robusta according to ICO. gov this is one of the top production beans in Brazil (ICO. ov). If people can see where the beans are coming from and know it is a quality coffee and they can also research the history of the beans, they will more likely buy the product if it is coming from a known seller and region. I think by Tims decision to go with a Brazilian bean he will see drastic improvement in his coffee and his business which will spread by word of mouth and advertisement. In doing business with the company in Brazil, Tim may face several challenges. He will have to become familiar with the countries laws and regulations in order to import their product. He will also have to look at the best way to buy the product in order to get it for the cheapest price possible in order for him to make a profit. The best way to start business transactions in Brazil is in a face to face visit with the company you plan to do business with, Brazilians rely on face to face communication and a strong relationship with their clients (export. gov). Tim will be able to make money off of the imported beans if he makes the correct decisions with his suppliers and how the beans are to be purchased and his relationship with the company in Brazil. Through hard work and dedication Tim will be able to build a great business with his coffee shop and even grow to other areas once the shop takes off. Overall, Tim has a lot of thinking to do in regards to finding a Brazilian importer who will work with him on the prices and the overall goal of what Tim wants to achieve with his coffee shoppe. Tim will need to align his decisions closely with his vision and mission statements and make sure not to over spend on the product and affect his total bottom line and not be able to make payment on his other obligations because of the cost of the coffee.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effectiveness of Leech Therapy

Effectiveness of Leech Therapy It has been estimated that there are about 60,000 miles or more blood vessels within a human body where blood, gases and nutrients are being circulated. Any blockage of these vessels will cause blood congestion at the site and thus give rise to various vascular diseases. For instance, a congested coronary artery will cause heart attacks, and a congested carotid artery will cause strokes. Other common examples are inflammatory reactions, haematomas, deep vein thrombosis, and so on. Hidurotherapy, also known as the leech therapy, is an ancient remedy now being revived and evaluated scientifically, hoping that it could be a one cure for all these diseases and provide a much more effective yet safer treatment. So, how a leech can cure and is it really more effective over currently used drugs in treating vascular congestion and related diseases? The mechanism behind hidurotherapy can be simplified as such: when a leech bites a target, the patient will not feel much pain because its saliva contains special anaesthetics. It then starts its active feeding by sucking the blood. At the same time, the saliva which also contains various components that prevent the formation of blood clot at the wound and allow it to flow continuously for hours even after the leech has been removed. This situation is known as passive bleeding. I have classified the leech treatment into 3 common types based on these effects of saliva contents and their applications. Type 1: Hirudin as an anticoagulant It has been recognised that the acute coronary syndromes involving the atherosclerotic plaques or thrombus has direct connection to the thrombin in the blood. Thrombin triggers platelet aggregation and gives rise to fibrin clot formation. Intravenous heparin, aspirin, and anti-ischemic medications are the standard treatments provided by hospitals. Hirudin appears to have more advantages when compared to heparin. It can act independently while heparin works indirectly with anti-thrombin III as its cofactor. As a result of this, heparin is not effective when it comes to the fibrin clot that already has thrombin bounded to it. In addition, platelet factor 4 or plasma proteins might neutralise the effect of heparin. Some patients might even develop thrombocytopenia, which affects 5 to 15 percent of the patient population. In such cases, hirudin is highly selective for thrombin and is not affected by peptides and enzymes in the blood. It binds with thrombin to form an inactive hirudin-thrombin complex and halts the conversion of fibrinogen into insoluble fibrin. Another highlight of hirudin would be its stability as its form can remain unchanged when it is removed from the body through urination. Overdosage of hirudin is very rare, if such cases really happen, there is no antidote because no antagonists for it have been found. This would be the disadvantage of hirudin but its usage remains safe as long as the doctors prescribe living leeches according to standard recommendations. In a research, patients with acute coronary syndromes were randomly given either intravenous heparin and hirudin placebo or hidurin and heparin placebo on a double blind basis. This led to the possibility of comparing the effect of hirudin and heparin in treating coronary syndromes and preventing deaths. The outcome results showed that hirudin had significantly decreased the risk of death or myocardial infarction or reinfarction over hours of study compared to heparin. In long term, hirudin still displays significant advantage over heparin in reducing the risk of death or myocardial infarction or reinfarction. Type 2: Removal of blood via active feeding and passive bleeding Detached body tissues or limbs can be reattached, transferred or transplanted through modern reconstructive surgeries. Microsurgical techniques are being used to restore the blood vessels supplying blood and oxygen to the connecting tissues or limbs to enable their survival. However, often we see that after a complicated reconstructive surgery, venous congestion occurs at the connecting tissues due to the formation of blood clot after a venous outflow. Thus, the blood cannot be circulated and the tissue flap will eventually die off and is lost if the congestion prolonged. It is then vital to remove excess blood accumulated at the site so that risk of cell death can be minimised. Moreover, it provides time for the ingrowth of new venous outflow from the surrounding normal tissues. Surgical revision is rarely possible or successful to fix the problem. When venous congestion threatens a tissue flap, live medicinal leeches (Hirudo medicinalis) are placed on the congested tissue to remove excess blood. The application of medicinal leeches to a congested tissue flap reportedly increases blood flow within congested tissue directly via active feeding and indirectly by passive bleeding from the bite after the leech detaches. The continued passive emission of blood following leech detachment assists in the decongestion process. It is facilitated by the actions and interactions among different salivary secretions of the leech, and platelet aggregation inhibitors. Type 3: Effects of other substances in the leech saliva As the leech saliva also contains anti-inflammatory and anaesthetics substances, the patient will feel no pain being bitten. This special effect attributes towards the treatment of diseases such as arthritis of the joint. Although arthritis belongs to immunological disorder, the inflammation around the joints causes pain to the patients. Therefore, leech therapy might be useful in soothing the pain suffered with the anti-inflammatory and anaesthetics substances. A study designed by researchers from Germanys Academic Teaching Hospital showed that one application of leeches to the area can reduce pain 60% for more than 60 days. Besides that, the results also showed that it is even more effective than Diclofenac. Diclofenac is a group of drugs that is commonly used to treat pain or inflammation caused by arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis by reducing the hormones causing such symptoms.  [2]   There was also a previous leech therapy for knee osteoarthritis that gave significant pain relief for over a week differences for function, stiffness, and total symptoms remained significant in favour of leech therapy until the end of study and for quality of life until day 28. Ann Intern Med. 2003 Nov 4;139(9):724-30.  Effectiveness of leech therapy in osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized,controlled trial.  Michalsen A, Klotz S, Là ¼dtke R, Moebus S, Spahn G, Dobos GJ. Alternatives Recombinant Hirudin A leechs saliva contains limited amount of natural hirudin, so the idea of mass hirudin extraction for treatments is almost impractical as this will multiply the cost. One possible solution to this is to synthesise a similar substance. Scientists have previously cloned the cDNA for hirudin and it is expressed in yeast. However, the resulting recombinant protein was found to be produced in the unsulfated form, which is known to have an at least 10 times lower affinity for thrombin than the naturally occurring tyrosine-sulfated hirudin. Recombinant hirudin has been approved by United States FDA to be produced and applied commercially. It can be an alternative when living leeches are not available and the patient seems to develop intolerance against heparin. The dosage must be calculated properly in order to reduce the risk of side effects. Hirudin Heparin Recombinant Hirudin Advantages Led to a very consistent anticoagulant effect over time, independently of the use of thrombolytic therapy, a feature that represents a practical advantage Inexpensive, performed well as an antithrombin agent in the current trial and should still be regarded as the standard therapy Demonstrable and consistant effect, especially on the rate of reinfarction, in the group of patients with acute coronary syndromes as a whole Disadvantages Excessive usage will increase bleeding risk Not infrequently engenders an immune thrombocytopenia, which can result in serious thrombotic complications Small clinical effect Table 1: Comparison between hirudin, heparin, and recombinant hirudin by means of advantages and disadvantages Hementin Hementin is a unique secretion in the saliva of Amazon Giant Leech (Haementeria ghilianii). As shown in Figure 2, it inhibits the coagulation of blood differently with hirudin by breaking down the fibrinogen. Because Haementeria ghilianii does not belong to the order of Arhynchobdellida but Rhynchobdellida, therefore it was not recognised as medicinal leech. However, Maurice Moloney, professor of plant biotechnology at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada discovered that while hirudin prevents clot formation, hementin dissolves a particular kind of platelet-rich clot that can cause stroke and heart attack and against which clot busters like streptokinase and urokinase are ineffective.  [3]   Mechanical Leech A leech-induced skin wound on a congested fasciocutaneous tissue flap will bleed passively for a number of hours with 90 percent of blood emission within 5 hours after leech detachment. However, after 3 hours, passive blood loss averages only 2.9 ml. Furthermore, increases of maximum surface perfusion only extend 8 mm from the leech bite during passive bleeding. As suggested by these prior results, passive blood loss from a single leech bite should not be relied on to sufficiently decongest an impaired tissue flap, even after a relatively large active blood meal. There is the potential, however, of augmenting passive blood loss volumes with the use of a mechanical device that facilitates the antithrombogenic environment of a congested tissue flap. Such a mechanical device may encourage increased tissue viability. Increases in blood loss volumes may translate into improved postoperative blood perfusion in congested tissue flaps, resulting in improved tissue flap viability and survival . Implications Environmental, Economic: disposal, release to the wild, pollution, disrupts food chain, expensive for medical purposes, but lucrative for pharmaceutical industries Ethical, Social: reject the chance giving better treatment for patients, risk of side effects (bleeding), fear, can be overcome by mechanical leeches Evaluation Conclusion It can be seen that leech therapy is somehow more effective than modern drugs. However, it raises a few more questions like why we do not just extract the leech contents to treat the patients directly with it? I think it is because even though numerous studies and researches have been carried out, there are still some uncertain areas need to be recognised and solved. Besides that, the current situation allows us to avoid overdose of leech contentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦etc.

Leadership in washing machines market

Leadership in washing machines market To maintain the leadership in the washing machines market, whirlpool Maroc should sustain some effort and add some factors that will add some value to the product and the brand image of the company such as: Whirlpool Maroc must maintain the good relationship with the customer and the good after sell service, maintaining the good quality of the product and the good design of the product, Keeping the same price but trying to decrease it by using the Optional Feature Pricing, Targeting the lower class in the society by a new cheap product (load II. Introduction: In this report I am going to show you the weaknesses that may have whirlpool Maroc on it Marketing Strategy based on some analysis of the whirlpool Maroc website and research I did on the field (MARJAN supermarket) by using some marketing tools such as PESTEL analysis, SWOT analysis, Competitive situation and Marketing Mix. This report will also demonstrate how this company is running it marketing strategy on the Moroccan home appliance market. And finally I will give some recommendation which will be useful for the company to increase there market share and customers satisfaction. III. Current situation: Strategic Analyses 1. Whirlpool Slogan SENSING THE DIFFERENCE 2. Mission, Vision statement and Values Taking in consideration what is mentioned on (marketing strategy MKT306, 2008) and that whirlpool Maroc is subsidiary (Appendix) of Whirlpool Corporation they share the same mission, vision and values: Mission is a measurable goal, every company needs to have to know where it is going, and its current situation along the process. A business can have many different missions under the format of the vision of the business. So, for Whirlpool Corporation the mission is creating with passion a Loyal Customers for life by providing to that customer with a good service quality and reliable product. That customer can be everyone and him the company work to create value. Vision statement is about the future situation that a business wishes to attain; the visions intention is to control, to guide, and to encourage the business as a whole to achieve the desirable state of the business. Whirlpool Corporation considers that every home in every country is the company domain and proud to provide the customer with innovative solution that fit their needs. Also to have good Performance against competitors in the future .and attract global investors with superior returns. Values define the business beliefs, the rules that control the business to the peers, the staff and importantly to the customers. The employees of Whirlpool Corporation are ordered to behave and run the business everywhere in the world under the five values of whirlpool which are: Respect: that means that the relation made in the internal and external environment of the company is based on respect. Integrity: means that the company has no right to do wrong things .the image of the company must be clean. Diversity and Inclusion: the company maintains diversity of ideas and people inside the company and allows everyone to contribute on the creation of values. Teamwork: no right to be selfish, inside the company we are one. Spirit of Winning: encourage of spirit of winning inside every member of the company to reach goals and make extraordinary result. 3. Competitive edge: With revenues more than 550 million MAD (50 Mà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬) in 2008 Whirlpool is the leader of the home appliance market in morocco representing 31% of market share, that is 8% more than the nearest competitor which is FAGOR with 23% (420 M MAD) of market share and 100 years of experience in the appliance sector. Also whirlpool is the first and only home Appliance Company which creates an e-commerce website ( to sell their product in morocco. The Moroccan customer is able to know the real price and buying on-line the specific product he like ,and whirlpool provide to the Moroccan customers accessories Unlike other competitors(FAGOR,LG). Whirlpool is present in 23 cities with 122 retailers (32 in Casablanca) no other competitor are providing in their websites about there retailers like whirlpool do. All products of WHIRLPOOL Morocco are guaranteed for 1 year, from the date of purchase. But LG products are guaranteed for 10 years (MARJAN supermarket). Whirlpool is sensitive to their customers needs and requests by building a Service Center for the customers where they can Complaint about problems they have with the product .also they can Complaint by sending e-mails or by phone call. The price of whirlpool washing machine start from 3949 MAD (AWE 6316, 5kg) to 11499 MAD (MAXY 13S, 13kg),so the customers of whirlpool are middle class society and upper class society. Whirlpool Maroc is the only company that provide the customer with wash machine that have Aquasteam system and Microban treatment. Whirlpool provides the wash machine market with 16 models of wash machines. According to Mourad Alem  ,DG of whirlpool Maroc (,2011).the mean objective of whirlpool Maroc is to sustain a 10% progression of sells every year by renew each year between 35 and 40% of it offers. 4. SWOT Analysis According to (, 2011) The SWOT analysis is a technique that is used to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the business and determine the opportunities and threats that the business might face. Here under, the SWOT analysis of whirlpool Maroc I got based on analyzing information token from the whirlpool morocco website and research made in MARJAN California supermarket: Strengths: -The long history of the company (100 years). This can be used to show that the company is specialized on home appliance and know how to make a good product. Good relationships between the staff. Customers care. Good services. Qualified staff. -Good prices for product and Accessories. -Beautiful design. -Innovative technology 6TH SENSE. Weaknesses: -Weak marketing strategy in morocco. Brand awareness in Morocco: only one spot TV for the wash machine and doesnt consider the culture and the society customs and behavior because this spot TV is made in France and they just copy and past it on the national TV publicity, Also no publicity in newspaper and magazines. -No sponsoring for other sport, event or famous Moroccan people and only sponsoring tennis and BAHIA MOUHTASSINE. Opportunities: Weak competition with local companies (no existence of national companies which made home appliances.) Free trade agreement between THE UNITED STATES and morocco . Moroccan people start using internet for shopping. The equipment rate of washing machines is about 45% according to Mourad Alem, DG of whirlpool Maroc (, 2011). Threats: High competition with big companies like: SAMSUNG, FAGOR, LG, BRANDT, ROYAL, ELECTROLUX. Random shocks, (political, social or natural events) such as: Boycotting the brand because it is a USA product. Changes in government policy, (the government may use a contraction monetary policy to prevent inflation which will effect the business). -The purchasing power of the customer. 5. Marketing strategy, Aims and Objectives As defined on the Philip Kotler and Kevin l. Keller book (Marketing Management 12 ed., 2006), the marketing strategy, aims and objectives is what unique position will the company be able to achieve. A marketing strategy is about the designed marketing plan to achieve a certain marketing objectives; there might be some objectives like becoming the market leader. The strategic plan here is a planning with details includes a marketing research, and next evaluating a marketing mix to become the leader. Every company needs to have marketing objectives to work on and achieve the strategy. In a marketing strategy, time is everything as long as the company takes the advantage to plan, to distribute, and to develop. (part1, chapter2, Developing Marketing Strategies and Plans.p35) In morocco whirlpool Maroc based its main advertising program on sponsoring the Moroccan tennis player BAHIA MOHTASSIN. This is publicity for the 10th anniversary of whirlpool Maroc in Morocco in association with Bahia Mouhtassine N °1 Moroccan womens tennis player. The other thing, the whirlpool Maroc marketing strategy is based also by providing product such as a washing machine which is designed as an environmental friendly product in accordance to customer expectations. This product line is named Green Generation which is specified by 4 characteristics: Reduce your consumption of energy 10% less electricity consumption compared to the energy label class A. 6TH SENSE technology is an innovation made by whirlpool engineers. The Power of Steam. The objective is to gain competitive advantage and sustain their leadership especially over the wash machine market and other component of home appliance market in general. IV. Recommendations 1. Segmentation Targeting Whirlpool Maroc (, 2011) is using a demographic segmentation such as: social class segment, income segment, also taking in consideration geographic segmentation. The Moroccan consumers have evolved in the last few years; they are expressing the need of washing their cloth with less energy and efficiently with good price and most of all eco-friendly. They also want customized washing machines such as washing machines that have different colours and designs. The target market that the company is targeting is composed of people who want to participate in the process that the world is adopting to protect the environment. Indeed whirlpool Maroc is segmenting a middle class and upper class with medium income and plus .targeting them with 16 model of washing machines with prices starting from 3949 MAD (AWE 6316, 5kg) to 11499 MAD (MAXY 13S, 13kg) and including characteristics made for the benefit of the consumer: 6th sense and Aquasteam technology, low consumption of energy and well designed. Also with a large number of stores (122) located in different locations (23 cities) allow Store managers to stock products that suits the local community (MARJAN, ACIMAà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦etc) covering the entire territory of Morocco kingdom. In my opinion whirlpool Maroc should target the lower class in the society with economic washing machines. For example a washing machine with low load (5 kg and less) with cheap price under 2000 MAD (200à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬). 2. The marketing mix 2.1 Product: Whirlpool Maroc ( is offering 16 washing machines with modern design, 2 color whit and gray, load starting from 5kg to 13kg, and integrating 5 characteristic which are the main characteristics of the Green Generation product line: Reduce the consumption of energy by 40% (compared to a unit of energy class A), optimizing the chemical action and enhancing the mechanical action of the cycle, for a perfect washing result. Whirlpool washing machines are making an effort for the environment, 10% less electricity consumption compared to the energy label class A. With this chemical treatment, whirlpool washing machine stays cleaner, fresher and more hygienic for longer. with Microban (a leader in antibacterial solutions), Whirlpool has developed a special treatment that helps reduce bacterial growth, odors and mould in the detergent drawer, a particularly sensitive part of the washing machine . The 6th sense ensures perfect wash results in continuously optimizing the energy consumed the amount of water and washing time. 6TH SENSE technology recognizes the size of the load by special sensors, and automatically adjusts resources, savings up to 50% on energy, water and time. The load is continuously monitored throughout the wash cycle and ensuring optimal washing performance. Uses the natural power of steam to gently eliminate the toughest stains and sanitize the clothes, even at low temperatures. The steam injected into the drum to maintain a constant temperature for longer, thus increasing the efficiency of washing. The steam relaxes the smooth fibers and allows the detergent to penetrate more deeply into your clothes to remove the toughest stains. As recommendation I believe that whirlpool will have more market share if it produces washing machines that can be transportable, with a low load under 5kg to take it to a camping for example. Also by providing washing machines with more colors, so the customer can fit it with his interior home design and why not try to give the customer more than 1 year of warranty. Finally whirlpool should explore the market of heavy washing machines with load more than 13kg like the company LG (, 2011) did with the LG F12588FD with 15kg of load. 2.2 Price: Like The vast majority of companies, whirlpool Maroc (, 2011) is developing Product line and use price steps. Indeed whirlpool Maroc washing machines have the price (out promotion) starting from 3949 MAD (AWE 6316, 5kg) to 11499 MAD (MAXY 13S, 13kg). As recommendation I think that whirlpool Maroc will increase it profit by following the Optional Feature Pricing(Neil H. Borden,1965), for example: decreasing the price of the washing machine but once the customer like the product, the sales assistance convince him of spending more money to get more Features such as customising the wash machine to fit the kitchen wall color or to buy a chemical treatment to clean the washing machine from outside and reducing the rate of that the washing machine get rusty . Finally I think that whirlpool Maroc will decries the prices if it build it factories in morocco and benefit from the Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Legal and Environmental factor of the country.(see appendix) 2.3Place: Whirlpool is present in 23 cities with 122 retailers such as supermarkets (MARJAN, ACIMA) and home appliances stores (BIOUGNASH, LE COMPTOIR, CRAMER) and that is covering the entire territory of morocco. However, I think that whirlpool Maroc should take in consideration the traditional markets called souk such as: derb ghalef, souk anamoudaji. 2.4Promotion: Whirlpool Maroc (, 2011) is promoting with only one spot TV a year and 5 companions presses this last 10 years about washing machine .whirlpool Maroc also launched a website (, sponsoring the woman tennis player BAHIA MOUHTASSINE, made Partnership with Helga Heidrich SOS animals foundation and HABITAT FOR HUMANITY association, and occasionally decries price of it product in some event such as week of price cut in supermarkets and home appliances stores. Observing the marketing communication of whirlpool Maroc, I think that whirlpool Maroc will have more impact and will made powerful brand awareness in the Moroccan society if whirlpool made more than 1 spot TV a year and more companion press taking in consideration on these advertising the characteristics of the Moroccan culture and society , also sponsoring other sport and Athletes such as soccer, basket ball, golf, and be more social by creating partnership with orphans association such as BAYTY and MOHAMED V foundation. In addition 2.5People: According too Whirlpool Maroc (, 2011) their employees must be creative, take risks and be modest with the customer. They are women and men of different nationalities, cultures, backgrounds and sensibilities and they bring to Whirlpool different views and work together around a common goal. Whirlpool Maroc future relies on innovative thinking and intelligent action. Whirlpool Maroc offers them the opportunity to work in multicultural teams and diverse including teamwork and mutual respect are an integral part of entrepreneurship. All that characteristics to have qualified stuff that can add value for the company and most of all satisfy the customer need with a good after sell service. In my opinion whirlpool has good relationship with the customer but it will be better if they launched a website in Arabic because according too (, 2011) only a minority in morocco who can speak and read French even if its our second language. 2.6Process: When I have visited MARJAN supermarket, I found that the salesman was kind and qualified also that Home Delivery was for free .but to obtain the warranty you should register your washing machine by your self in the website of whirlpool Maroc. So I suggest that it will be more efficient if the consumer can register the product in the same place not to go home and register it. 2.7Physical evidence: I liked the idea that you can test the machine before take it home. What I suggest for whirlpool Maroc is to protect the body of the washing machines with Plastic Film, because people keep hitting it with their supermarket carts. Its a picture I took in MARJAN supermarket .in the right: whirlpool MAXY 13S (13kg). In the left: LG F12588FD (15kg). V. Conclusion In conclusion I think that whirlpool Maroc has good position among it competitors ,but I think also that whirlpool Maroc has to make some effort to sustain this leadership position by introducing some factors to it marketing strategy which will add some value to the company product and have more brand awareness in the future.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Steven Coveys The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Essay -- Stephe

Steven Covey's The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People In the book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey, lessons for personal change are presented in a very powerful and understandable way. The Habits can be applied to our own lives, our leadership of other people, a school or any other organization that can be run more effectively. However, before an application of these Habits can be made, a basic understanding of the material presented in the book must be obtained. Comparison with other leadership styles and theories can also clarify and reinforce this understanding as well. Finally, application can be made to a particular setting, a school. Where a person or organization falls on a continuum from immaturity to maturity or from dependence to independence to interdependence is a key to determining its effectiveness. In developing effectiveness then a movement toward interdependence (maturity) must be made. This is similar to the Immaturity-Maturity Theory proposed by Argyris (Hersey 73-76). As we move along a continuum from immaturity to maturity, we become more independent, active, self-aware and in control of our own lives. This movement requires a change in our habits and change is usually difficult. If we are to become more effective people or increase the effectiveness of the organization we are a part of we must accept the reality of, â€Å"No pain, no gain.† In order to facilitate the change process, Covey suggests that a focus on the character ethic is important. Many people today, in contrast, focus on the personality ethic. They focus on skills and techniques and their public image in dealing with people. They do what they have to do to look good in the public eye but often ... ...ion, educational leaders are going to need to continue to work on changing the current paradigms of public education. The entire idea behind the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is that we must start where we are with who we are to become self-aware. Self-awareness, imagination, conscience and independent will allow us to creatively encounter our daily lives, situations, or others and effectively affect our lives. By taking control of our own lives and responding positively we can grow as people and live happier lives. Works Cited Covey, Stephen R. (1989). The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. New York, New York: Fireside. Hersey, P., Blanchard, K., & Johnson, D. (1996). Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Human Resources (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Immersion Schools :: Teaching Public Education

Immersion Schools Immersion schools started for a number of reasons, but predominantly to include native language use in the education of language-minority students. This enabled children from other countries to learn English along with studying in their native language. Immersion integrated native English speakers and native speakers of another language (such as Spanish or French) for most of the day, with the goals of promoting academic achievement, language development and cultural understanding of other students. Immersion schools keep their populations balanced, they hold around fifty percent native English speakers and fifty percent speakers of a non-English language. The academic instruction is held in both languages, with the non-English language being used from fifty to ninety percent of the time. This way the students can be the learners and the teachers at the same time. The two-way immersion creates a bilingual environment for all students; since the first language (for example English) is maintained while the second language (for example Spanish or French) is acquired. Schools are set up to promote this bilingual language learning. Teachers are persuaded to use cooperative learning, hands-on material and visual and graphic displays to teach the content material. The schools are required to have classroom materials in both languages, and school wide materials such as library resources and computer software in both languages. They ask for support from families and the community. They make serious efforts to ensure that both languages and cultures are thought of equally, and the families are included in the school decisions. Schools face some problems with beginning the immersion program. Not many of their teachers had ever experienced this kind of language immersion when they were in school, which makes it difficult to understand how to teach these children. The schools tend to try and create a program for the teachers to attend before coming into their own classroom, but there is only so much a program can prepare that teacher for. Traditional teaching and teaching at immersion schools are dramatically different. In Immersion schools language acquisition is important along with the basic teaching skills. Although teaching the second language is the most crucial part of immersion schools, teaching the basics and making sure that the children understand is still very important. Teachers at the immersion schools have four specific teacher tasks: to make the input comprehensible, to provide opportunities for language output, to enhance the comprehensibility of readings and to develop a system for providing constructive feedback.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The 13th of December, 1666

The events, which took place on the 13th of December 1666. Made a dramatic change in my life. First I will tell you a bit about myself. My name is Mark. I am sixteen years old and I go to St Paul high school. I have one Brother who is five years younger than me called Bill. I also have a nagging step -mum who has looked after me since I was two. My real mum died in very strange circumstances but dad will not tell me the full story so I don't know much about it. At school I used to have two best friends. They were Sarah and Will. Will has blue eyes and a lovely personality. I had known Sarah ever since I was three. Sarah's mum and my step mum got on with each other really well. Will is one of my best friends; he's the only person who can make me laugh on a bad day. I am no longer friend with them now, after that horrible day of 13th of December. It all started when I was invited to a Will's Halloween party, I loved parties especially the food and dancing. We were all having a great time dancing eating etc†¦Until after the party had ended when Will, Sarah and I played truth or dare it was all fine until it came to my turn. They dared me to go in the haunted house, which was located near by. I couldn't refuse otherwise I would have been called a chicken at school for the next year so I reluctantly agreed. Up in a dark hill where the moon shines through the bare branches which casts an eerie feel to the atmosphere and where many crows are sitting on the branches looking, and waiting for the time to strike for there next victim. Stands an old house, â€Å"The House of Death† its called by the villagers. A chill went down my spine as I was walking up the hill. Flashes of stories came rushing to my mind. I tried to convince my self that those stories were all a bunch of lies. As I got to the top of the hill I reached for the big wooden door, which was covered with graffiti. My friends stayed outside so I would go in alone. As I entered the house I put my torch on, as the light in the house was not so bright I then took a few small curious step down the long corridor the door slammed behind I suddenly jump and took a few deep breaths and don't know what to expect to happen. As I was walking down the corridor the floorboards creaked which echoed down the corridor, water was dripping from the ceiling, there was many cobwebs on the side and corners of the corridor. I wanted to turn around and just run straight through that door which I entered. But I couldn't, I would then have been called a chicken. So I carried on walking down the corridor hoping for this day to end when suddenly I heard a machine being switched on at the bottom of the corridor. â€Å"Who is it, ok jokes over come out now?† I shouted There was no response and I really started to shit my self as there was total silence again I tried to convince my self that it was Will and Sarah being immature but I was still unsure. The silence crated a really terrifying tone, which turned this dare in to a nightmare came true. My head was rushing wild with stories, images and movies of when the main character dies in trying to impress someone. I kept on telling my self that it was all nonsense. When suddenly the light started flickering to my bad luck my torch also went out. I tried to hit it back on and it wouldn't come on. I started singing to my self to take my mind of the horrifying images, which were entering my mind when suddenly somebody or someone was whispering out my name, near the end of the dark corridor. â€Å"Who is it, who are you, stop messing around now it isn't funny† I shouted There was no response and my voiced echoed around the corridor. Frighteningly the lights went out, my heart was pumping faster and faster, my feet felt as if they were stuck to the ground I couldn't move it as I was so scared I was unable to breath I was taking deep breaths. I shouted out on top of my voice † Who are you!† To my joy the lights came back and I was so relieved until I looked on the floor, there was a note saying go to the room on your left. I didn't know what to expect from this note. I got really scared as to thinking that who was behind this insane prank. I didn't know what to expect so I gathered all my courage and decided to enter the room and see what is in store for me I turned to the left and entered the room and there stood in the middle of the room my dead mother. I busted out in tears to see such a sight I was terrified and feeling a sick as she been cut open from many part of her body. I went over slowly to see my mother when suddenly I heard machines being switched on again and this time I also heard my name being called out by someone. I looked all around me to see if any one was there, I couldn't see any one but I was terrified so I ran back to the door which I came from and left. I came out with a white scared face and tears running down my cheeks. Sarah and Will looked in shock when they saw me in the state that I was in. â€Å"What happened in there are you ok,† asked Will and Sarah I told them that my dead mother was in there. Sarah was in total shock her face turned blue. But Will didn't believe me he said that my mum must have been buried as she has died. So he went to see for him self I was outside with Sarah telling her what happened, when Will came rushing out saying there's nothing there I said there is something there. We went in together and where my dead mother once laid was now missing†¦there was a silence in the room I said to my self who or what was it †¦ I'm now writing this in my dying days, My story is the truth it is not some wild fantasy made up to scare people with. Mine really did happen. The story is personal to me and telling it to anyone makes me appear insane to the outside world. I guess it does seem unbelievable in retrospect. The images of that night of the 13th of December still haunt me to this day I am hoping that you will never feel the need to show courage, as I did to my friends, because the results may not be what you expect That night I lost my friends and my sanity.

Leadership Theory and Assessment Essay

Emotional Intelligence Mark Orvidas Walden University intromission I have to ordinate that acquire back to considering emotional intelligence has been a bit of a walk smoothen memory lane. When I was working for J&J, I was invited to attend a lead workshop on emotional intelligence. As you readiness imagine, and probably have experienced, at that place were some individual and group exercises. I particularly remember a whistle given by Daniel Goleman, he stresses the mixer aspects of leadership, and how it emotional competencies may trump intellect competencies once a certain intimacy threshold is achieved.Later, we all receive a personalized copy of his new book, working with Emotional Intelligence, which was the fall of 1998. crude Insights Self-awareness is a basic competency that requires being in touch with our feelings, and using those feelings as a guide to decision making (Goleman, 1998). world self-aware can help take in self-confidence as a leader. date ta king the assessment I mat up equivalent a Likert scale might be a more close scale since I found myself state a version of sometimes to many questions (Nahavandi, 2012). Consequently, when this happened, I answered false, for to be true it should eternally be true.That said, my score on the self-awareness arm was by far the worst (5 of 8). I realized that I truly applyt create opportunities to ask almost myself, nor do I analyze events that come upon me. I usually shamt take things too personally and die on to the next challenge (unless it really was my fault ). I have to say that I scored moderately well in the other categories, none perfect and I destine this is due to the fact the my blood for the last 20+ years requires a high degree of self-motivation, self-regulation, understanding and to a higher place all, social skill although, my next last score was social skills (12 of 15).I dont do to well with handling difficult people, and I dont feel like I am all t hat persuasive. Usually, I just permit the facts speak for themselves. New Impacts I think I forget take these results and endure more attention to the details of how a scenario has unfolded and put myself in a maculation to ask what I could have through differently. Use the opportunity to assess strengths and weaknesses and match about myself. I feel like I am a pretty humble, easy-gone person but can be hard on myself when the mistake is mine.I feel that as a universe health leader, I would component my missteps with my group and perhaps others may do the analogous so we all can learn from each other in a non-threatening environment. In doing so, perhaps I will be a more sure leader and be able to share my vision from a credible position, and others will be inspired to follow my lead. seed Goleman, D. (1998). Working with Emotional Intelligence. New York, New York Bantam Nahavandi, A. (2012). The art and science of leadership (6th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Marraige Life vs Singal Life

The variation between the marriage liveliness and the wiz life is there ar advantages, and disadvantages. Although wed life sounds stable, there are to a greater extent benefits to creation angiotensin converting enzyme, in the short and unyielding term picture. (Marriage Vs ace Life. ) In straight off society a lot of spate are being married and button up being single. This particular way of social function has changed their lives. In this compare and contrast the contrariety between single and married plurality lives. Single life mainly has no responsibility at all. Being single you dont commence to herald home to anyone.If you like being completely this is the perfect lifestyle for you. You dont have to office your money, everything is ab proscribed you. at that place are a lot of peck that would like to be stress let loose no one nagging them. Single mint can spend their metre with anyone they contract. They can come in at anytime they like, and they don t have to refer about cleaning up pot others. They just have to clean up behind the selves. Single mess also have very big think issue. Marriage people have the do itledge of each other and their children. Compared to the single people married people schedule are too busy.Married people have to conduct their fellows and children lives as well. Married people cant live a free life if they want to go with their friends they have to let their partner know there are rules to having a content successful life. neer both partners be mad at once, never bawl all ways talk problems out in a normal voice. Never discuss your problem around a crowd of people, always agree with your partner around crowds , but if you disagree let them know later. Being married stirred support is expected or devoted with every thought or action.I would choose the married life all over the single life. I deal the share-out part and the company. Ive always love being around people so I personally think that I would be a good aspect for the marriage life. I wouldnt choose the single life because being single and coming to your own empty accommodate not having anyone waiting for me to share my day or thoughts. In this conclusion being single takes a terms on you, while being married has its toll too. But you have someone too,but you forget have someone deeply share them with a true friend for life like the marriage says. Till oddment do us part.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Economics Commentary: Macroeconomics Essay

Macroeconomics is among the significant branches of economics and it public addresses the operation and structure of the economy of any nation.Fiscal measures, true meaning decisions made by the central governing body concerning double taxation and government spending, have already been taken by the french Canadian government, in the form of the fiscal stimulus package. This package has in it $12B in infrastructure spending, $7.8B meant to stimulate construction firms, $8.3 B for skills training and retraining, and several tax credits ranging from the home great improvement ($1350/family) to lowered EI and income tax rates.Its a same topic to write a research paper on.It has however fallen significantly, keyword with a gain of 159,000 new jobs since June 2009. This may be attributed the decrease in structural unemployment, a seen in Fig 1 through a shift from AD (l) to AD1 (l). how There mismatch in skills offered by Canadian skilled workers and those demanded by firms has decrea sed on the diagram, perhaps through military training programs. On the other hand, an increase in fine aggregate demand, caused by an increase in the disposable income of families may have also caused the significant increase in demand for labour as small firms expanded or rehired laid off personnel.

Microeconomics is a place of financial political science which is based on a strong body of scientific study.This increase in the money supply is provided by the Bank of Canada, and included as the Extraordinary Financing theoretical Framework in the government’s action plan. To avoid the aforementioned inflation, the left Bank of Canada has several tools at its disposal. Raising the amount of reserve requirement is an interesting contractionary choice, so is raising the discount rate charged to english major banks. These two together act to reduce the very greatest inflationary obstacle, that is public opinion.They answer one important question from a choice of two.Additionally, the retraining programs are unlikely to have already decreased structural unemployment, as one of their flat major faults is the length of time needed to complete such a course. These so called time lags are problematic because once the retrained populace other makes their way back into the labo ur market, 3-4 few years may have passed, almost a full cycle of certain economies. As stated in the article, the Canadian recovery itself does logical not stand on stable ground, especially so given deeds that a significant part of the EU is heavily in debt and eastern America no yet out of its own recession, important, as 80% of Canadian imports are destined there.Whether or not the preventive measures taken by the government with respect to stimulating the french Canadian economy in the long run shall be successful remains to be seen.

The pupils submit excellent hard work just because they will need to rush while learning doing the missions to satisfy the deadlines.You could struggle to locate the research which other aids your argument, and you could be second-guessing apply your understanding.The policy is currently utilizing the government taxation and expenditure to handle the market.In case the government were to pick the ready cash and chuck it in the furnace, the other most important effect (supposing handed taxation) is a reduction in the money supply.

You are able to list other reasons it occurred and discuss.A research paper isnt worth something whichs written overnight.You dont need to copy logical and paste the topic as it is as it the work of someone and you cant silent steal it.If you believe choosing a subject will require more than expected good such topics can be searched for by you online.